Friday, March 9, 2012

Stardoll Girls Now It Girls

I'm honestly kinda depressed. Stardoll is like the one store that's never changed. 

-Sabrina (Sabra4390)

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Store: Wild West

Stardoll just released their newest store: Wild West 
All the furniture seems to be based around two completely different places, Arizona and Santa Fe. Santa Fe is the capital of New Mexico, and Arizona is a state. 

I think the store is really cute, and I love the Native American style that is incorporated into the store, but it also does generalize the west. It's not just this. It's so much more than this. This really only incorporates Arizona and New Mexico. Technically if you were looking at a map of the United States you wouldn't just pick out New Mexico and Arizona as the west.  

Over winter break I was in Santa Fe and these are the pictures I took. (Yes, they do get snow there) 

Pictures I took from the airplane 

The super tiny Santa Fe Airport 

Camel Rock (I dunno if it's actually called that, but it looks like a camel) 
If you want to be technical, it would be Dromedary Rock, as it only has one hump. 

Here is a picture of the outside of the chalet, at this point my family and I have driven to the mountainous parts of New Mexico.  

Here is Prongs, the mouse head who lives in the cabin we rented. 

Here's what the lunch place looked like on the mountain. I took a picture cause it sorta looks like the ski chalet on Stardoll. 

-Sabrina (Sabra4390) 

Sorry for this really boring post that was a good three months late. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

New Doree

There is new Doree and I kinda love it! Those are some of my favorite colors! They are super vibrant and are just generally gorgeous colors. My favorite has to be the lime green. 

-Sabrina (Sabra4390)

Monday, February 27, 2012

New Basics

It's about time! 

I've been waiting for this since the store came out! 
Basics is awesome when it comes to cheap, and easy. Two of my favorite things. It's great for layering and comes in every color imaginable. 
They finally added black! :D 

Okay, I'm just really happy. 

-Sabrina (Sabra4390) 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Tingeling

Here are the new floors. ^-^ 

I quite like it. I love the flow-y skirts, and the colors, they aren't the most practical skirts and dresses when it comes to layering etc, but this is the best Tingeling collection I've seen in a very long time. 

-Sabrina (Sabra4390)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

6000 Starpoints

I logged on to find that I finally have 6000 Starpoints. The rewards aren't completely amazing, *Cough* Vacuum Cleaner *Cough*, but it's better than nothing. x] 

I really like both hair styles, I don't think I'd necessarily use them too much though. 

-Sabrina (Sabra4390) 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Purple and Green Makeup Look

Step One
Apply Mascaras. 

Step Two
Apply indigo eyepencil to the waterline and outer corners of the eyes. Add dark green eyeshadow on the eyelid. Apply purple from the inner corners to the outer edges. blend light green shadow into the dark green from the outer bottom corners. 

Step Three
Apply indigo eyeliner to the waterline and outer corners. Apply dove liquid liner to the inner corners, and eyepencil. 

Step Four
Apply lipgloss to the center of the lips, and tan blush to the cheekbones. 

Step Five
Add accessories and be creative with it. :]

-Sabrina (Sabra4390)